Helping artists FIND themselves, One song at a time.
There comes a time for all influential bands where they feel like they’re stuck on the cusp of finally breaking through. They put their heart and soul into their music, and put their focus into more than just the fun parts of “being in a band”. I find the most passion and fulfillment helping artists who genuinely want to create something unique while I help them take their songs to that next level.
From a young age, songwriting has been a fascination of mine. When I was a child, my father would play guitar and sing country songs that he wrote. As I grew up in the 90s it was only natural that I would become a fan of grunge and punk music. Discovering Nirvana was a big turning point for me and began my lifelong love for songwriting. I learned every song they had and not only learned the chords but also studied the song structures and spent most of the time trying to understand how a proper song was constructed in an emotionally driven way. That obsession continued as I grew older and started listening to different genres like pop punk, death metal, etc.
In my early 20’s I set out to take the plunge into the music career I had been practicing and educating myself on my whole life and started a band. We would eventually call it A Day To Remember.
This was the first time I experimented with merging genres. Admittedly it was a compromise with the half of the band that wanted to be a hardcore band. So we started including breakdowns into pop punk songs which was a bit crude sounding at the time. But the more songs I wrote like that, the better they became.
Eventually, everything just clicked - and I realized that it could be done with other genres as well. This is something that I still use and incorporate today in almost every project I work on. I pride myself on taking influences from music that on the surface, wouldn’t seem to work together - but finding interesting ways of making it work.
I love the endless creativity in the idea that there are no genres - only different flavors that can be combined to create the perfect dish.
Tom Denney is a platinum award-winning Songwriter, Musician, Producer, and Mixer from Central Florida. Known for being one of the founding members and main songwriters of the band A Day To Remember, he has worked with artists such as Pierce The Veil, Falling In Reverse, Issues, Wage War, Neck Deep, Secrets, and many more.